Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Soul Alchemy Ch. 2 Disease vs Wellbeing

 SOUL ALCHEMY, by Caroline Dawley P.P. 

Ch.2 "Disease vs Wellbeing."

I'm inspired. I'm hopeful, not just for myself, but for future generations.

In my continuing thoughts about Mindset. We are leaving the age of Fear; suffering, hard labor, fed by fear of lack,  driven by a Matrix Program that made us slaves.

Our new Mindset is; I am... Abundant; I am healthy, I am extending my abundance by seeding the new Mindset for the New Earth program, and future generations.

We are here and Earth is our garden. Let us now move forward collectively and build the new age of freedom and peace that is in our collective dream for the highest and Greatest good for all living beings.

"Building A New Worldview"

Everytime I have a negative thought, I have to say, cancel, cancel!  And replace that thought with a positive thought that resonates with the vibration for Abundance. In all areas of life. 

All together our positive collective mind is creating the new world view we dream of for our children and grandchildren. A bright future where everyone understands we are here to help each other. To teach each other. How to be real human beings.

I am an Alternative Medicine Practitioner.   The former way of getting "well" by going to the Dr., fed by big pharma and Insurance. Companies. IS being replaced with Alternative Healing; that understands treating the whole person and our 4 energy bodies. 

That supports life and preventing disease by choosing a mindset that supports wellness. And taking action on the new knowledge and way of living and thinking.

Creating a New World View.✨

What is your vision for our  children and grandchildren? "Cry for a Vision."


Long ago I began my search for the hypothesis of "Dis-ease vs Well Being".

I went from being broken in mind, body and Spirit; ulcers, migraines, lack, labor, broken hearted and no vision for my future. To being a new human being. I was spiritually healed in mind, body, and Spirit. 

I turned to God for help and asked for healing, that I received. Gratefully. And my goal was to be a spiritual healer to help others who are suffering. Jesus and other ascended Masters walked the Earth and raised the vibration of the planet with new thoughts that ..." There's more." There's more.! There's more than meets the eye.  Thus Metaphysical understanding that goes beyond 3d matter, into  the invisible world of energy.

We are energy, everything is energy. And everything has vibration.

We are rising to a new vibration and new Octave for living  in the 5th dimension, new EARTH of Freedom and Abundance for all.

I'm still working on financial abundance and my best coach is Philip Marius Johansen on FB. You can learn a new mindset for abundance from him. He has shown abundant patience working with me and my issues. 🥹

However I am abundant! I am a Money magnet.☺️

To be considered..........❣️

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