Friday, April 20, 2018

SHAMAN'S DRUM Introduction

To order Shaman's Drum use this link:   

Shaman's Drum: Caroline Dawley: 9781985663329: ...

Authored by Caroline Dawley available on Amazon books. 


See all 2 images

Heal the Root cause of Trauma, Anxiety, PTSD, Feelings of Abandonment, Feeling Lost
Reclaim your Lost Soul and Integrate with the Light, Freeing you to find Life’s Meaning
Learn to work with the Oneness of life; with Source, Spirit Animals, Guides, and Allies
Become One with the Oneness of Humanity and Higher Consciousness of Love
Go inside, into the Light, find your Passion for Life and share this with the World.

Thank you, Caroline

“As we heal ourselves we heal our family.
As we heal our family we heal the community. 
As we heal the community we heal the Nation.
As we heal the nation we heal the world”. 
Algonquin Medicine Song:
“HeYa HeYa HeYa Ho, HeYa HeYa Ho,
HeYa HeYa HeYa Ho, HeYa HeYa Ho.
HeYa HeYa HeYa Ho, HeYa HeYa Ho,
HeYa HeYa HeYa Ho, HeYa HeYa Ho
MeGwich MeGwich MeGwich MeGwich,
MeGuich MeGuich MeGuich.”.
Algonquin Prayer and statement to the United Nations General Assembly for the healing of MAN AND the Earth. 1993, U.N. First Peoples Prophecies, “Cry of the Earth” SUMMIT As received from William Commanda.


This book is an inspired work to illuminate the Ancient Practice of Shamanism to bring clarity and understanding of its Power to heal in our contemporary world. During Soul Retrieval, you Journey to the sound of the Drum to view your Shadow self and integrate with your Soul Light in the Heart of the world where you find your life purpose. Worlds open as you leave ordinary reality and journey to spiritual realms, embracing the Light; discovering your gifts, power animals, and destiny.

During Shamanic Healing, the Shaman seeks to clear your emotional body, mental body, and in your physical body; as you integrate all three, you become one with your Soul.  Soul Retrieval is the Journey to retrieve fragments of your lost Soul caused by Trauma. Traumatic events from the past live in the body as blocked energy, unaddressed emotional trauma lives in our cells as cell memory and predispose our bodies to illness or dis-ease.  

During the Soul Retrieval, the trauma and resulting dis-ease caused from it are healed. Shaman’s have Vision and can see beyond ordinary life, Creating Sacred Space, they guide you on a Journey into the Heart; illuminating the Shadow with healing Light, you are changed by the experience as you receive healing, your spiritual gifts, and integrate with your Soul.  You are set free to begin the Hero’s Journey to your Destiny.

Healing happens when trauma is identified, the shadow illuminated; opening windows of consciousness that allow you to Journey beyond the illusion of separation and the veils that have kept you in isolation.  When the first three circles of relationship are sound, you are then able to connect to Spirit in all life forms.  Worlds of consciousness are opened as you journey to your destiny as eternal souls.

The Soul Retrieval Journey connects you with your higher mind, with the Light, where you raise awareness and release patterns that keep you bound in lower vibrational patterns of dysfunction and illness. You create your reality with your thoughts.  Shamanic healing offers mental, emotional, and body clearing through illuminating your mind with Truth, freeing you from limiting points of view and expanding awareness of the Whole.  Shamans help you raise the frequency of the inner Light, becoming One with your Soul, you integrate Mind, Body, and Spirit.  You now realize your Divine Self.
Available on Amazon books.

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