The journey begins …you enter the Dream where worlds
within worlds are interconnected.
The Medicine teaches you how to begin your journey where you experience the interconnection of all life with
Spirit. You meet your ancestors, guides, animals and allies. The journey begins the heart in an alignment and
relationship with the earth and nature.
We begin by creating sacred space and telling our story. Message me that you are coming . Meeting upstairs over the Organic Goddess and Mystical Moon.
SHAMANISM - A New Path and New Beginning requires a
seeking mind and dedication to the Journey.
May 1, 7:00pm)
1219 Florida Ave. Upstairs above Organic Goddess and
Mystical Moon. $13/workshop
MAY 1st, 7:00pm 1219 Florida Ave. Upstairs over
Organic Goddess
-May 1st Create Sacred Space; Aura Cleanse using
Sacred Plants and Sound. Clear sacred
-May 7, Journeying to reclaim relationship with mother earth.
Find your Original Wound and Soul Contract.
Look for Ancestral contracts that may direct your life today.
-May 21st, Journeying to Chamber of Grace and
Healing. Retrieve and heal your lost soul part.
-May 28th, Journeying to the Chamber of Gifts to
help you on your journey, find your Animal Allies.
-June 4th, Journey to the upper world and meet
your Divine Parents; View your Original Soul Contract. Say yes to your
Destiny. Soar into your Destiny....
-June 11th, Circle of Storytelling.
$13 per class. Please bring a yoga mat and pillow. If you have a question, please message me at
Carolin Dawley, or text me at 727-738-0223
We will facilitate ceremony monthly on the Full Moon, and Wesak.
Healing Starts from Within
practice, a Shaman assists her client as he/she enters alternate spirit
dimensions and becomes empowered during the healing process. The Shaman
doesn’t do the work for him/her; she guides you on
the journey as you heal yourself on a spiritual plane. The bottom line: you are
your own best healer. Look deep within yourself and examine everything in
your life that works and doesn’t work, and don’t be afraid to make changes.
Shamanism is built on the foundation that change is an inevitable part of life,
and only you have the power to make the changes necessary to manifest the
reality you seek.
My Vision Journey, 1990
I was living in Colorado and Seeking Creator how to have Peace in the World. I had been on my spiritual journey for many years and began fasting and praying for the answer to my question. Suddenly I was transported in vision to another dimension where I was standing in a new reality at the Edge of the Forest. I was told by Spirit to put aside my world view, to enter the forest and find the Path to the other side. I was trembling, it seemed giants hid behind every tree and I couldn't see the path. Crying out to Spirit I called for my guide. A large Deer appeared before me, beckoning me to follow. I was no longer afraid as we made our way through the dense trees, I noticed streams of light beginning to appear and as we continued a large opening appeared revealing a meadow before me. As I followed, I saw a large gathering of people in a Circle doing a Ceremony. The Light was so bright in their midst, I didn't recognize them, but the image touched my heart and I knew these were the people I was looking for. End of Vision
"Shamans live in a world where the Creator is not separate from
the Creation, Heaven is not separate from Earth, and Spirit and matter infuse
each other. There is no division between the body and the spirit, nor between
the visible world of form and the invisible world of energy." Alberto
Eagle came as my first medicine helper giving me clarity and an ability to see from a higher point of view; giving me vision to see things I could not see with my eyes. When Eagle comes my mind takes to flight and I soar to heights of perception. I see the past and the present woven together on the Great Loom of Time. The prophecy stands in the future, our goal: Evolution of the human species and the earth to a higher consciousness and vibration that embraces a new worldview of Oneness. WhitefawnStar aka Caroline Dawley
Eagle came as my first medicine helper giving me clarity and an ability to see from a higher point of view; giving me vision to see things I could not see with my eyes. When Eagle comes my mind takes to flight and I soar to heights of perception. I see the past and the present woven together on the Great Loom of Time. The prophecy stands in the future, our goal: Evolution of the human species and the earth to a higher consciousness and vibration that embraces a new worldview of Oneness. WhitefawnStar aka Caroline Dawley
“We are One People, One Nation woven together as all colors of the sacred races of man”. This is the Shift, the Great Change and Purification of Mother Earth”. Chief Shenandoah. Together we will restore balance and healing to the Earth through relationship with Her and all Creation, bringing balance and healing as together we walk into the future of all that is, and the 5th World of Peace and Illumination. We are evolving to a way of life that is "the highest good for the whole", and remembering we are all ONE. When we remember we are ONE, One family, One Nation, One Spirit, we will ascend in consciousness to the 5th world of Peace and Illumination... WhitefawnStar aka Caroline Dawley
Acting on my Vision - Finding My Destiny
I begin packing for my trip to Syracuse, I was leaving Colorado and hoping to work in the mission, I had been dreaming about working with the homeless in the homeless shelter, and Alcohol Crisis Unit in Syracuse. It was there that I met the Onondagas, and found the path leading to Onondaga, the Capitol of the Iroquois Confederacy. After walking around the "outside" of the Circle for two years, I was invited to the Center, where I met Chief Leon Shenandoah who became my guide and mentor for 7 years. I accompanied Chief Shenandoah and the Iroquois delegation to the "Cry of the Earth" Summit in NY where first people prophecies were spoken before the UN General Assembly for the first time in history.
I begin packing for my trip to Syracuse, I was leaving Colorado and hoping to work in the mission, I had been dreaming about working with the homeless in the homeless shelter, and Alcohol Crisis Unit in Syracuse. It was there that I met the Onondagas, and found the path leading to Onondaga, the Capitol of the Iroquois Confederacy. After walking around the "outside" of the Circle for two years, I was invited to the Center, where I met Chief Leon Shenandoah who became my guide and mentor for 7 years. I accompanied Chief Shenandoah and the Iroquois delegation to the "Cry of the Earth" Summit in NY where first people prophecies were spoken before the UN General Assembly for the first time in history.
I am now writing a book on The Pathway of Peace, based on the practices of the Iroquois Thanksgiving Greeting that is believed to sustain the Earth. And the Ancient teachings of the Essene, who share the teachings of the "Tree of Life", Gratitude, and Sustaining Health, Peace and Wellbeing through receiving this Energy from Mother Earth and Creator.
My Purpose is to share Peace and the possibility of Peace among all people and nations, and creatures to help Mother Earth. Shamanism teaches Balance as we work with Spirit to raise the vibration and consciousness creating a Healing Pathway of Peace.
Healing Energetic Disturbances and Protecting from Negative Energy
If your
auric field is weak and you encounter someone negative, you may notice that you
feel anxious, listless, tired or unable to think clearly. This is all a sign of
an energetic imbalance, which can happen when we unconsciously absorb the
thoughts, feelings and subtle energies of someone who is draining, angry or
filled with negative energy. These crystals will strengthen your aura from
absorbing negative energy while guarding you from future energetic
Blue Kyanite, a self-cleansing stone,
rebalances the chakras and repairs any ‘holes’ left by psychic vampires in your
energetic fields. This high vibrational stone magnetizes negative energy while
shielding you from harm. Blue Kyanite bestows the confidence to peacefully
assert yourself and speak the truth to someone who is angry, jealous or
Smokey Quartz cancels out oppressive
and intrusive energetic forces. Meditating with Smokey Quartz will reveal areas
in your energetic fields where you’ve absorbed someone else’s negative
energies. Placing Smokey Quartz on these areas of your body will alchemically
transform negativity into positivity and joy. Smokey Quartz also guards against
psychic attacks during sleep.
Warding Off Psychic Attacks
someone wishes harm upon you, you can suffer the adverse effects of a psychic
attack. Signs of a psychic attack include sudden fatigue (especially in the
presence of someone negative), mysterious bruising, a vague sense of fear,
tension in your core, cold spots on the body, brain fog and unexplained anxiety
or depression. In the event of a negative encounter with someone who has
drained you of your energy, try these crystals increased psychic protection.
Black Obsidian is one of the strongest
protective crystals you can wear. This sleek stone’s reflective properties send
negative energy immediately back to anyone directing a psychic attack toward
you, so use it wisely. If you have already suffered from a psychic attack, this
stone will ease your pain.
Jet provides protection
against even the most intense of psychic attacks, including curses and black
magic. During meditation, this lightweight stone will ground you and
potentially illuminate who may be sending a psychic attack in your
direction. Make sure to cleanse your Jet in salt or saltwater after every use.
To Shield Yourself Against
Negativity. Psychic shielding is essential to reclaiming lost energy and
preventing further energetic harm. Performing this exercise will create a
strong psychic barrier between you and any negativity in your environment. All
you need is a piece of Black Tourmaline, a common yet powerful stone, and a quiet
1. Begin by breathing in and
out of your nose 10 times. Relax, and focus on the patterns of your breathing.
2. Hold your crystal in your
non-dominant hand. Then, envision a shield made of pure white light extending
from your crystal and wrapping around your entire body.
3. Now, imagine someone who
has caused you energetic harm, either in the past or present, approaching your
shield. Use an affirmation to renounce them from doing you harm — something
like, “no one has permission to hijack my energy”. Feel the power of the
barriers you’ve created as you take control of your own energy.
4. Finally, picture all of
the negativity in your life being absorbed into your stone. Watch all of the
dark energy lingering around you flow into the crystal in your hand, leaving
you free and at peace.

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