Thursday, September 26, 2024

Testimony, Draw Close to God

Testimony. We are all experiencing the energies from this Equinox. As we go inside, into the "I" we feel deep feelings that have been repressed for many years. 

Anxiety, fear, lower vibration emotions get stuck when they aren't acknowledged, and healed. Then they cause physical symptoms. 

The good news is that we can move this stuck energy. Breathing exercises can be a good defense to stop the panic and become mindful. There are many good YouTube Breathing exercises.

I strongly advise turning to God in Prayer. He is a real shelter from the storms in life.  I have experienced  Several spiritual healings The first time I turned to God, I was experiecing daily migraines, 24/7, and trying to work and raise 2 young children as a single Mom. I went to a clinic where a Minister was praying for healing in Jesus name. I was miraculously healed! All pain was gone for first time in 7 years.!!!  I went to church and made God the head of my house. Our needs were always met. And even though we never had health insurance, no one had injuries the whole time.

When living in Colorado with my daughter, we were rear ended by a drunk driver going 90 mph. I took impact in my back, my seat broke and my shoes flew out the window. I thought I broke my neck. My rotation cups were torn, my back like spaghetti, and I wore a neck collar.

After going for physical therapy for a month, still barely able to walk, I asked God for healing. I had to get to work and pay rent!  God said, you can heal mans way or my way. What do you choose? .... I said, "I believe in God's healing".     I told my lawyer and physical therapist God was going to heal me.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

That night at Church, Pastor prayed for healing for me. I raised my arms to claim my healing. That night, i felt tremendous heat passing over my body all night. Awakening in the morning, when I got up, there was no pain in my body. I was healed by holy Spirit Light, from head to toe!!. Amen. I went to work the next day, and painted an  entire condo. Paid my rent. " By His Stripes, I am healed." Amen 

Another miracle healing occurred when my little dog was run over by a car. The bumper was completely curved from impact. She lay on the road as I administered Reiki and prayer. I took her to the animal emergency ICU in Largo. Her legs were broken and out of socket. Damage to spine and internal injury, the vet thought she would need hind end wheels if she lived.

While sitting in the waiting room at the vet, waiting to go in, I did distance Reiki and turned to God in Prayer. Fervently asking if He saw the little white dog.???    Suddenly, I saw a vision of "the eye of God", and a veil drop from Heaven to earth. Then i heard the words, "there's a new exray.". As I looked, I saw an exray.  Her legs in sockets, straight, she looked perfect.!!!

I started crying, knowing God answered my prayer. No doubt. When I went into ICU to see her, she was laying down, but her legs were in the sockets and she looked good. Thanking God, I went home.  The next day they were going to operate. I received a call that the vet needed to see me right away. When I went in his office he said, "LOOK, THERES A NEW EXRAY AND WE DON'T HAVE TO OPERATE".!!!!! SHE CAN GO HOME!!

It took time for everything to continue healing. I did Reiki on her daily. She walked, and lived 7 more years to age 14. walking almost 3 miles a day.

" By His Stripes I Am Healed." Amen

Now is the time to believe in God and that He is a true help. I see God as a healing, powerful, Bright Light that answers our prayers, raises our vibration to a place of heavenly healing. Believe in the Light of God to protect you at this time of fierce spiritual warfare. The Light is shining  brighter and causing old dense energy to rise to the surface to be healed. Now is the time to put away doubt and believe in miracles. Believe in The Light of God as victorious over all evil, disease, and death.

As you heal, you heal generations, forward and backward. As I heal, I help heal my family and the family if mankind.

This is my Testimony. Caroline Dawley.πŸ™πŸ’–πŸ€—

Monday, September 2, 2024


 Energy Healing Training to learn modalities for raising your vibration and healing yourself. Everything is energy.

SEPTEMBER 22, 3:30 -5:00PM. Every other Sunday. RSVP Caroline Dawley TEXT (727)7380223

1st class in a series. Soul Journeying Meditation to find your Animal Ally and Guide in the lower world. Locate your lost soul and integrate with the light of your higher self. Meditation journey. Group participation.

Pre register or pay cash the door. Bring yoga mat or blanket. Soul Journey #1. 

Modalities include Soul Retrieval 2, finding your purpose. Pastlife Regression, All about Chakras, Sound Healing. Essential Oils, Natural Remedies, Reiki 1. To be announced.

 $33 Preregister Venmo or Zelle, text Caroline Dawley (727)738-0223.

RSVP limited space. Located at my Studio 835 CR1 Palm Harbor, FL 34683

Franklin Square next to KARATE and HAIR.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

SHAMANIC / Alchemy


Is the procedure for transmuting the lower human nature to the divine nature called the Soul; by infusing the Energy Codes of the Golden Light.✨🌞 In the sacred healing ceremony with the four directions, four elements, Creator and Mother Earth.

Fmi text (727)738-0224

Caroline Dawley

“The alchemist taught that man contained within himself all the elements of nature, both human and divine, and that by a special culture the base elements of his nature could be transmuted into the spiritual gold called the soul.” 

― Manly P. Hall

[ Art • “Air - Earth - Fire - Water” by @roving.stars ]

Shamanism transmutes lower human nature to higher divine nature using the energy of the Golden Light codes.✨🌞🌟

Thursday, August 22, 2024



Alternative Healing modality.✨

Soul Retrieval gently moves the fragmented soul suffering in darkness. And retrieves; πŸ’” broken heart, 

voids and severs Ancestral Soul Contracts


the lost soul living  your shadow self 🧑 In your Sacral and root chakras that are below consciousness.❤️

Healing the Broken Heart of Humanity/ Soul (Sol) Rising.✨πŸŒΉπŸ’«

Integrating the wounded inner child with the divine light body of your Star body.

Christ rising in me. One with my soul and inner sol consciousness of ONE.


EARTH Rising as one Soul Star

Golden Sun 

The New Peace Sun (SOL) is rising on the New Earth frequency of Love.❤️πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ©΅πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ€πŸŒŸπŸ’«✨

 Sending you Peace and love 

vibrations of Harmony.✨πŸ©΅πŸ’œπŸ€ Caroline Dawley ✨πŸ’œπŸ€πŸ’›

Shaman/Reiki Master

Fmi. DM me. Carolin Dawley

Text (727)738-0223 for appt.


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Shamanism- Healing Deep Childhood Wounds

 SHAMANISM: Abandonment issues can surface to our consciousness as we open our Heart to healing our deep childhood wounds.✨🌹❤️

At first we are unconscious of how we were affected when a parent or loved one leaves our life, emotionally or physically. ✨

The healing begins as we feel the emotion that the Trauma caused. Locate the  feeling in your body. We may feel unloved, unable to trust,  and angry.   So we feel the pain and consciously face our deep wounding. ✨

The Shaman works energetically on all energy bodies to help you heal and release that imbalance, bringing it into alignment with your higher self and soul consciousness.✨

Setting intention for your highest good and Infusing your cells with the divine energy of the 12th Dimension Golden Light, and  using Sound medicine of Rattles, tuning forks, and other vibrational items.. Sacred Sage is used to create sacred Space and Clearing the Aura of all lower vibrational energy.

She removes cords feeding the illusion,  soul contracts, and Ancestral Contracts.

Shaman guides and assists you by rewiring your divine Light Body and higher self.✨


The Shaman works as a catalyst to guide you on your healing journey. Soaring deep into the darkest places of your Heart, she guides you to find the light within.✨

This is the beginning of Joy in your life as the shadow is enlightened. Seeing from a higher perspective, you are empowered to begin loving yourself. The journey has begun.✨❤️🌹

DM for an appt.✨

Shaman Carolin Dawley ❤️🌹✨

SHAMANISM Healing Early Childhood Wounds.


Shamanism: Soul Journeying to find the Wound that caused Trauma and Shadow. ✨ Identifying early childhood trauma. ✨

 Many of us experienced childhood trauma; some abandonment, and have issues with trust, some experienced being sexually molested and feel damaged, some experienced fear from living in an unsafe environment, some car accidents, or neglect. And many other experiences that become patterns feeding our shadow self. 

This can lead to self medicating and addiction, broken relationships due to lack of trust, anxiety, feeling unloved.

There is help.✨🌹❤️

Soul Retrieval is a way to transform darkness to light by soul journeying in search of your true self. And healing the wound preventing you from living your bestlife.  Decide today to begin your healing journey. Reclaim your Soul, your Joy, and your best life.❤️ 

DM me for an appt. Or text. fmi.🌹Caroline Dawley


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Vision Quest to Becoming Shaman

My journey begins with my vision quest in search of meaning and purpose in my life. My Shaman Initiation.

During the Vision, I was spiritually escorted to a place outside a dark forest. In the beginning I was told to set aside my beliefs and world view. To trust my Spiritual pathway opening before me.

Praying for a guide, a large White Stag appeared before me and beconed me to follow.  My fears were gone, and as I followed, I noticed an opening in the trees and rays of sunlight streaming on the forest path.

Through an arch I saw a meadowland and a large group of people gathered in a Circle. The Light was so bright in their midst, I couldn't see their faces or who they were. I only knew I wanted to meet these people.

My Journey in search of my purpose began with finding my Deer totem, an animal ally who was with me since birth. But until now I hadn't realized the significance of this animal's influence in my life as a true guide.

I was beginning my Heart Journey in search of my authentic self, and the journey through the Heart ushered me into union with the Forest and the King of the Forest himself, a Sacred Spirit Stage.

It was soon after that I met Tadodaho, Chief Shenandoah, Iroquois leader who wore the Deer Antlers symbolizing his authority as a leader.

I mentored with him for 7 years and learned the Great Law of Peace, the The Law of One and the Circle that connects all life. I began learning  the Medicine Wheel teachings of the Lakota Sioux.

Facilitating ceremonies on the Medicine Wheel for 20 years in Tampa Bay, sharing the Animal, Mineral, plant, and teaching for each Moon Cycle of the 13 Moon Calendar. Created a way to give back to Creator and Mother Earth all I had learned.

I published Medicine Wheel Ceremonies and began receiving downloads of Shamanic practices instructions, helping people heal from  early childhood trauma.

The Deer is a receiver of Wisdom and Intuition from ancient Star knowledge that few people know at this time. The role as Shaman is needed to once again retrieve our lost Soul, and to retrieve and heal our relationship with Mother Earth and her helpers.

Deer Medicine power has continued to lead me on the Healing path of Oneness and healing the Heart of the Whole person and the Earth.  Peace and illumination is the intention to help the whole Earth Thrive.

Deer is the Leader who reminds us to follow our heart and have courage to become whole once more. I was gifted with the name WhitefawnStar representing my heritage with the Deer and with the Stars.
