Wednesday, January 29, 2025




Text me to reserve your space  727)738-0223
Please reserve your space only if you are attending, space is limited.  

1-February 3RD, ALL ABOUT THE CHAKRAS 6:30-8:00 pm
How to clear and balance your Chakras for optimal health and well-being. 
Location and meaning for each.  $22 cash or zelle

2-February 10th, PAST LIFE REGRESSION  6;30-8;30 pm 
A guided meditation to view 3 Past lives.  Topics include; Soulmate and relationship karma.  Life Purpose.  Root of Disease or other forms of energy blocks caused from Ancestral Wounds.  $33 cash or zelle.

February 17th, HEALING ANCESTRAL CONTRACTS: WOUNDS, POVERTY. VICTIM MINDSET.  6:30-8:00 pm  Guided meditation for voiding Ancestral Contracts that do not serve your highest reality.  You have paid the price of karma.  Its finished.  You are the 7th generation of change.
Meditation Clearing all negative energy, marking finished on that contract.  Beginning your Soul Journey. $22 cash or zelle please to reserve your space.

February 24th, HEALING WITH SOUND 6:30-8:00 pm
Please bring an item that has a sound.  Bells, chime, flute, drums, etc. This is an educational and participatory class. You will understand how to use sound to raise your awareness of energy, what it is, how it affects you.  $22  cash or zelle 

March 10th, 6:30-9:00 pm HEALING WITH SOUND AND LIGHT - TUNING FORKS CERTIFICATION.  with Caroline Dawley.  Bring your Tuning Forks if you have them.  This is a hands-on participatory class. I will give a demonstration and then you must perform a Tuning Forks Tuneup for Certification. 
My tuning forks are available for use.  You will receive a step by step booklet that is using the scale of G# - A-G 
Cost is $100.

  This Method created by Christopher Tims.   You can find him on Facebook.  A Sound and Light Energy Healing. Order of the Blue Star.

I am available daily for my services; Shaman- Soul Retrieval, Reiki Master, Sessions. Tuning Forks - Energy Tuneup, Chakra Clearing and removing stuck energy to raise your vibrations to your highest reality. Past life Regression - Guided Meditation to view 3 past lives. 

 Text me for more information: Caroline Dawley (727)738-0223 

Sunday, January 19, 2025

We Are Becoming Christ Consciousness

To receive Christ consciousness....When you activate and walk through life in Christ Consciousness you hold a powerful light that will steer you and protect you in a constant shield. Although you will not be invisible to darkness, it will no longer be able to penetrate you or interfere with your energy field. This Divine Light never goes out if we choose to stay within the heart and walk in this frequency following its example. 

Christ consciousness is living in an awareness of the Higher-Self as an aspect of the universal system. There are many ways this state of consciousness can be interpreted, yet the common understanding is that Christ Consciousness is a state of self-realization and unity with God or the Divine. It may be used as a synonym for the yogic and Hindu concepts of samadhi, connecting to deep spiritual bliss. 

To experience Christ Consciousness, all that is needed is the willingness and capacity to receive it and an open heart and mind as well as the dedication to any spiritual practice. As we do this we open to new higher conscious thoughts and become a more compassionate and tolerant person. The path in which to achieve Christ Consciousness is not important in reaching this state of being. It's about the heart frequency.

Once the human being has recognized the Divine within, there will be a gradual awakening to the state of Christ Consciousness. This is where the most profound clearest level of truth and a rediscovery of one’s connection to their innermost being will be felt. ~ π΄π‘π‘–π‘”π‘Žπ‘–π‘™ π‘†π‘‘π‘’π‘™π‘™π‘Žπ‘Ÿ π‘†β„Žπ‘’π‘˜π‘–π‘›π‘Žβ„Ž ♡  

Art: Daniel B. Holeman Daniel Holeman.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Tuning Forks Certification

 Sound Healing with Tuning Forks Certification level 1.  January 1-11. At

For the Love of Reiki, 835 CR1, Palm Harbor. 34683

We are living on the Rainbow Planet in the Octave corresponding to musical notes A - G and G#.

Tuning Forks that correspond to these notes, correspond to the frequencies of the 7 Chakras, and are used to attune each Chakra to it's highest vibration. 

Using each fork, we will attune each Chakra and then build bridges between the 4 energy bodies. And align the Aura for maximum vibratory Resonance.

All energy vibration is made of Sound and Light. In this modality we will be applying Sound and Light Healing to you; from above your head to the sol below your feet.

For Healing, Removing energy blocks, balancing your electromatic system referring to your Chakra energy centers and Aura.


1-Demonstration and Booklet Handout for full instructions.

2-individual participation 


3-My set is available to use in class if you don't have one..

4-$111 pay Caroline Dawley Venmo, Zelle, or cash at the door. 

Must signup before Saturday, January 11th. You must preregister.

Text me at (727)738-0223.✨