Tuesday, July 16, 2019

New Book Release

Available on Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/1070642460
Activating the Medicine Wheel of the Energetic Moon Cycles of Truth gives birth to the lessons of developing human potential by claiming the gifts that aide the whole creation.  When we unify in Ceremony with the collective intention to bring balance and healing to humanity and the Earth, we awaken the Prophecy and Global Dream for World Peace by co-creating an Atmosphere of Love and co-operation; to “Make the Earth Green again”.
 You will learn Ceremonies and Meditations for each of the Earth’s Four Seasons; Equinox and Solstice Ceremonies. Wesak Festival of Lights, Water Blessings, International Day of Peace, Shamanic Healing and Sacred Pipe. And the Earth Astrology sacred truth lessons for each of the 13 Moon cycles of Transformation and Survival. And the Plant, Animal and Mineral for each Moon Cycle.  You will find your unique gifts and potential as you learn about yourself on the medicine wheel.